Saturday, August 18, 2018

Basil & tomatoes, but of course

And yet, the story is more complex.  Basil, tomatoes, peaches, figs, goat cheese.  Even a bit of Mexican tarragon.  Never forget, food like a poem is all story at its core.  Munch on.  Write on.  

1 comment:

  1. When does more data create less clarity/

    What a confusion ensues when the sleuth of record does not properly fill out the case notes and file them in the proper place! We've been trying to re-order them here at the Bureau and with some considerable patience have been able to re-construct at least three cases in progress.

    it is often try that some composers will let things simmer for a while, hoping the brew will all that much sweeter. There is benefit in taking time to reflect on what has been written, arranged, composed. But when the drafts cannot be found, one loses the flow.

    So, these fragments re-surface from the notebook left at the beach house, then taken to the City office, then home once again.

    Surveillance, 1978, Bus Rides

    He takes up where you thought you left off.
    Gasps of delight as they heard the alarm
    A particular sway in quieter phases of the moon
    It won't end there, she murmurs.
