Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Make peace with deadlines or this is how your spirit reacts.
Fear a deadline, the carrots are charred beyond desire.
Fear a deadline, poems sound like frenetic bug-eyed creatures
howling in a wind tunnel.  Sashay up to a deadline & see what happens.
Of course, I'm writing this for myself.

1 comment:

  1. more tradecraft

    an accretion of details may or may not be the basis of a story, but think of all the stories that do not end, and do not even begin. Well, maybe don't think about them.

    but let's return to the case notes stuck together and had to be steamed open. or were these the notes from the locker of the police station? i think we already recorded the ones thrown in the detective's face by an angry client.

    whichever, these notes are just as crucial as the others in the search for the identity of the perp. or is it the identity of the detective? well, never mind all that.

    (sorry for the lack of capital letters in this segment. the shift key was destroyed by the cat of the detective in an angry dispute over tuna.)

    officer mentions a cloudy old window inserted into a wooden boat hull over which a recipe book has been half opened and then stomped on to break the binding


    they peer under the grassy armature for a while
