Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Skin -- human & tree.  Much in common.  Also trees take on the look and feel of a torso.  Suddenly, I'm thinking of broccoli with torso resembling trees.  Leaps are like peels -- real, imaginary or potato. Speaking of peeling, once I wrote an ode to a martini.  It was not potato-based.  Oh, yes, it was a very cold ode.

1 comment:

  1. At the Bureau we don't tend to look for things that aren't there, but schisms in the work of the Detective tell us as much as the writings we have discovered. Are these case notes or just personal jottings, the work of a creative writer posing as a sleuth, or a sleuth aching for creative expression? Or both? Can a cold case be solved with a cold martini? Underlying aesthetic concerns cannot uncover the facts, can they?

    Wasn't that great how hard they worked, how their passion was spent looking after?
    "your secrets are safe I assure you. Besides which, I've already eaten."

    Every time we went inside, we came out a little larger. Light business, this turn of the sea.
