Monday, May 27, 2013

When soup turns red, what color does the poem turn?

Red, of course. However, this is color as signifier. Returning to soup, add a few rough-cut cooked beets (mixed red & yellow -- heavenly), say to chicken soup. Miracles abound in the shape of color. Yes, color is shape as much as the spiral embraces with equality positive and negative. Remember, beets are a root. Poetry is the root of speech. May they both be necessary & color-luscious. May they bring peace.

1 comment:

  1. (Hypotheticals, and also archetypes continued)

    As sunny as the terrace was, the merchant dozed off
    and unexpectedly relaxed as the waiters let him alone,
    he meandered through new territories
    and let himself do so for the first time in a long while:

    In the dream he goes out to the reception area
    and notices the bandleader checking his pants leg
    His fan leaves through the back door
    twirling as she exits into the rain

    He notices the bandleader's pants
    are pieced together from different fabrics
    sewn together with large thread like a clown's
    He follows the stranger out the back door
