Monday, May 20, 2013

Is there such a thing as a blank page...

when the mouth is involved?

The short answer: doubtful. Longer response: very doubtful. An empty bowl doesn't wish to stay that way forever. A full bowl remembers with affection nothing but air and the passing hand. A fountain pen remembers the refill. The empty ink cartridge remembers parts of the journey, at times brilliantly & complete -- down to the word-architecture.

1 comment:

  1. (H. cont.)

    Fond as he was of his own musings
    the merchant continued his lunch with wine
    He took out a sheet of paper from his wallet
    and stared at the words she had written long ago

    "On the far shore are lights and small houses
    You take your loved one there time and time again
    in your dreams. The walls are whitewashed
    with the light of another day, and the purple flowers

    you have pushed against the window glow
    with the sun behind them. We walk down
    the large yellow field holding hands and wondering."
    He took a moment to measure his feelings.
