Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Rain and breakfast

 Steady rain and a steady downpour  of the vibrantly beautiful on a hidden toasted pita.  Like Spring, messy, but delicious for eyes and mouth.  

1 comment:

  1. excerpts 6-9, particle theory 9, scenes

    elemental timbre
    pin pulled
    forgery complete

    scent of cactus
    near the mission street
    they walk hand in hand at last
    fresh and sweet the air
    the equation complete

    and yet, and yet
    it's like the 1st time
    it rode rode up to knock you
    off your popcorn
    out of your mind

    it's time, it's time
    the planet said
    to turn me back around
    "take a fork to the center of the earth
    vanquish evil and the endless dark!"
