Saturday, February 18, 2012

Foreshadowing. Does every poem imbed foreshadowing?

And before that question can be tackled, this question arises -- does every poem imbed a shadow? Words predict their progeny, don't you think?

What is the shadowy side of food? Eggplant but not blueberries.

1 comment:

  1. Before you is the salty cliff
    you and your uncle walk down
    you comment they should join you
    on their second anniversary
    when you get to the water's edge
    you realize it is too far to jump
    and too soft to get back to the top

    You are in the lead and your uncle
    must know his doom, for the sand
    keeps breaking with each step
    But so sweet his face as he looks up at you, and down at the water

    It was all to be such a lovely dream and now you are facing sudden ends
    when were you supposed to know
    what would happen if you kept going on?

    she assigns the class a story:
    talk about what could happen
    on such a walk, on such a day
    Then dreams the above, then wakes
    to go to class and circle
