Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crave. Is a poem prescient and knows which words it craves?

Or is it each word which is prescient and craves a specific community of sound. Thus, the poem. About poets, I guess it's less about being prescient and more about cravings (generic and specific).

Do beets crave rosemary and walnuts? Does rosemary experience a pre-knowing & similar urge?

1 comment:

  1. then you are sitting in bed with a favorite
    show on the screen and the idea of ice cream
    of any flavor but always the smooth cold drip
    down the throat and the front of the shirt
    so much like childhood, so unlike it too
    when you COULD almost always get what you
    dream about from the fridge, but do not
    sometimes indulge the whim, but think it over,
    and over, and over
