Saturday, August 18, 2018

A mixup of flowers & fruit

A bit of yellow Gerber daisies and several varieties of tomatoes and colorful tissue paper and you have a bouquet of flowers & fruits.  Think of this arrangement as a color alphabet.  Of course, poems are arrangements of the alphabet as well as a bouquet of shape, color, tastes.  A mixup of flowers & fruit & alphabet, yes, that's a poem.

1 comment:

  1. What came to the Bureau right before closing time were the additional findings at the Mission Street house, some of which seem to be case notes and others which are attempted poetry of sorts, we believe.

    How can we tell? Certain words have the timbre of function, and certain have the scent of romance.

    Bus Rides, 1978 notebook, yellow with black tape

    rather large
    reached in, found it gone, so still the swelling, a bird could hear it

    he stared at the light--it was critical.

    some body shouted fire and we quit.
