Saturday, May 22, 2010

Is the poet more like an architect or a builder?


fine finisher?

When the poem does not feel of being constructed, then, is the poet a weaver? A seamstress?

Poet & cook. Do they intersect when they are at their most painterly? Or when practicing riffs? By the way, what menu scores the page.

1 comment:

  1. She crawls around the foundation

    and looks for points of entry

    a fading, a crumble, a hole

    in the concrete

    And then mixes up a batch

    of annotated nonsense

    just the ticket

    to plug a night of boredom

    and create a new lean-to

    a place where no one feels

    the chill of her sorcery

    too bad it all gets worn down again

    when the morning sun blasts it apart
