Friday, January 24, 2025

Winter's eye

has it's sight on frost, swirling snow, snapping branches.  This I know intimately yet choose to live in a place where winter is green-hilled.  Here, there may be frost but it's not the norm.  The icy cold does not linger.  Yet, the heavy morning sweater with its cozy collar is welcomed.  


1 comment:

  1. Growing up with icy walkways and schoolhouse closures teaches me to appreciate the milder side of life, the edge of either coast has my firm approval at certain seasons. Lately rain has drenched the dirty streets and made for stunning views out our windows. Roofs not so happy? Coziness is a tradeoff for the urban pioneer, and sometimes one wishes for hardship of a meteorological sort instead of the daily news. Nature, take over please.
