Saturday, January 28, 2023

Light playing hide and seek

Which comes first, hide or seek?  Are they inextricable?  For sure, trees need light, and I think a tree is a lovely home for light.  

1 comment:

  1. did i ever describe the trees surrounding our hometown, that leafed us in, that pined for normalcy, that hid many secrets, some untold, some unbidden, some unsavory. trees along the country road seemed so harmless, so pretty, so desirable. but....well, i needn't dwell on all that, so long ago. there is a large tree in my backyard now, and in the recent storms, it doth blow and lean from side to side, threatening uprootedness and danger. still it stands, however, to say, don't count me out quite yet. i wonder how old that tree is.
