Tuesday, June 18, 2019

When a red thread is involved

language is music and music is language.  At the center, an invisible spoon quietly stirs all the word-gestures of the day.  And night.

1 comment:

  1. I like so much these swirling scribbles, aligned with the show at de young of random clippings of some pencil and comic book cutouts, rearranged and blown up and down on the walls to the tea room. How deserving of public viewing in private rooms! The cross-outs, the deletions, the thought f you throwing away so many of your drafts--and I saving too many and now contemplating binding them just to get it all done, all lined up, all orderly. Playing in the minefield of one's own past declarations can take up a whole day, and yet we cannot turn away from what has been threaded through our mind, our hands, our pens. Hurry June, bring me the first day of summer!
