Wednesday, April 1, 2015


hidden among the wild roses.  A 6' x 6" foot prickly pear
and this shiny & optimist nopales.  Not something I will
tackle to prepare although the fruit treasured.  I love the prickly
pear's otherworldly presence.  It's profound & biting sense of

I grew up with wild roses & have fondness for that memory
& their first sweet smells of spring.

Here, wild roses & nopales make a keen friendship --
believable, and slightly not so.

And the next poem -- what unlikely combination?

1 comment:

  1. cp151 crime scene 7

    officer points out a cloudy old window inserted into a wooden boat hull over which a recipe book has been half opened and then stomped on to break the binding

    they peer under the grassy armature for a while
