Sunday, June 30, 2013

What is a buttery avocado taste in a poem?

Let's return to avocados.  Who wouldn't want to.  That sylvan butteriness.  Beguiling color.  What is the equivalent in a poem?  Or in a line?  Or a phrase?  Or a single word?  Or even the pit of a poem?

Much meditation to an avocado.   Similar as time unfolding a poem.  

1 comment:

  1. Wrestling with the meanest of questions
    had always been a hobby of his
    And he contemplated the act of losing
    as in losing an object, or one's mind.

    But none of these ruminations were practical
    and he decided to contact a friend from the village
    to see if he would check out the local cafes
    and let him know about the errant wallet.
