Monday, July 30, 2012

Ugly shiitaki mushrooms. How are these mushrooms like the poem?

These ugly shiitaki mushrooms are the edited versions of a poem. Short though it may be. Necessary and full of flavor and essence. And much more than itself when combined. Those unruly 26 letters each a small ugly (yet beautiful) shiitaki mushroom.

Language, like mushrooms, is enhanced in the sauteing of.... And the sauteing often results in an edible poem. Though, truth to tell, not all poems are edible.

1 comment:

  1. MTs

    No sense making the crimson blue
    she blurts at tea time.

    She washes windows carefully.
    In the the cool of the morning,
    all surfaces damp with beginning,
    In each swipe of the cloth against glass
    she checks the new clarity, removes
    a layer of time, bends and stretches,
    does it again.
