Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hand-crafted pizza. How is an H-CP a paradigm for editing a poem?

The ingredients are at your fingertips. For a poem this means the alphabet and all the sounds which it creates. For last night's hand-crafted pizza a fiesta of leftovers including sauteed Crimini & white mushrooms, fennel, roasted garlic, cheddar, fresh lemon thyme, pepper, olive oil, small flatbread. Baked @ 400 degrees. Cut with scissors and arrange the slices on a bed of organic lettuces.

Sipping red wine, you know when the editing works, an arrangement of leftovers. You can hear it; you can taste it. Yummy.

1 comment:

  1. High Heels

    She carries her pail of water
    everywhere she goes
    I says ok, ok sure

    In the sorry tone he has adopted
    he can't compare chance to ether
    but takes her drumskin down a few

    So then they all ride around in the delusion
    for a while, in love with vignettes
    about a thirsty soldier

    He swigs from an old canteen
    dreaming of a pail of it
    and a big oven for baking
