Saturday, June 6, 2020

The patio umbrella is up and lit

and waiting for company.  It will be some time before we gather at the Blue Umbrella Bistro which, by the way,  isn't a restaurant.  It's a gathering spot for friends.  Food and beverage, always at the ready.   Illuminated as the people who sit around the table sharing stories, roasted vegetables and savory gestures.  

1 comment:

  1. Waiting

    Folders that ought to be reviewed and notes
    that have gathered dust: it is dawn in the city
    and we have not slept well for a while.
    Something's in the air and not readily cleared--
    though fireplaces outside and inside are burning.
    Do not despair, even as we lose our moorings.
    The pear tree blooms as always, this and other summer
    days are still and precious.
    Open your umbrellas, in hopes of rain.
