Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chamber. How many chambers does the typical poem have?

As many as it needs to keep sound circulating.
As many as it needs to keep a few spare words when the power goes out.

How many chambers does a kitchen have?

As many as it needs to keep taste circulating.
As many as it needs to keep some tasty leftovers and a selection of olive oils.

And of the chambered nautilus? I believe, 80.

1 comment:

  1. Selected epicenters do not doubt circles around them while they are gesticulating madly in the chambers of her heart. All seems okay once the band stops its meringue, but then there are the echoes of another time in manhattan, circing a fountain in the gritty park, waiting for the d.j. to stop visiting upstairs, in the newly rented apartment. How many heartbreaks can a sidewalk handle, how many colors of chalk?
