Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Craggy? What's the source of craggy in poetry?

Difficult to ascend (or comprehend)? Particular subject(s)? Shape of poem? Shape of poet’s face?

Craggy food? Those with spikes and many a crag, Artichokes, Nettles. Durian. A chef with a particular visage.

1 comment:

  1. You Didn't Have To

    A sayonara would have been enough
    once out the door then back again
    too much truth in the hesitant backlit
    shadow when all breaks apart from
    its kooky moorings

    she climbs so bravely from one
    place to another, holding firm
    the belief in forward motion

    a spire could not say it better
    wacked out ideal of a bygone age

    some flag somewhere
