Friday, June 8, 2018

Sunflower as a verb

When light & shadows are spun, you can find yourself in a state of sun-flowering!  It's as simple as a wooden spoon stirring soup.  A pen unloading Pandora's box of gestures.  See, I know you'd understand.


  1. Left out in the sun to dry after steaming open, these notes appear to go back to the assignment with some straying away evident around note # 8....

    1. pinned down gig, now I need a new shirt, tie, sunglasses (don't trust this new client altogether but need $$)

    2. subject keeps checking clock/seems agitated/is that a bracelet?

    3.perplexing fruit/she stands by the market to observe him

    4. declares not taking any more can openers/leaves smattered mascara wand on the window sill

    5. subject holds abstract photos/ waits for pickup truck

  2. Strong visuals and flow. Brava, Kit.
