Monday, March 7, 2016


Above photo app-enhanced, Circular
Conversation is a silver key to memory.  I miss (mourn?) lilacs.  Not California ceanothus; that lilac of my New Jersey childhood.  Would you believe, someone sitting at the same table at a women's gathering tells me she has a flowering lilac in her yard; she will bring me cut flowers.  Synchronicity is afoot as we're served corned beef and cabbage in the most flavorful of broths.  With a splash of rum.  Yes, rum.

I'm in heaven.  Heaven continues two days later as she gives me these blooms.  Thanks, Tenaya!

I like the white table in the top photo as it reminds me of fabric lilac buds on my Easter hats.  More hat and bit of lilac.

Before the month is spent, perhaps there will be a Psalm to Lilacs.

1 comment:

  1. Sun changes grass to hay
    we're both writing something or other
    It becomes a surface everyone wants to re-arrange
    her home cannot just be spiral bound
    there must be meadows and places to roam
    She disdains the mechanical
    though it courses its way through the afternoon--
    her bankable rhythm with words

