Thursday, July 18, 2013

What is the connection with sunset, poetry, and salad?

A sunset-salad that inspires a poem.  What's a sunset-salad, you ask?  Not a salad limited to making/eating at sunsets.  Oh, no.  A sunset-salad is great for lunch or even breakfast. (Dinner, too, of course).  Perhaps, an example will help.  Just remember there are as many sunset-salads as bounty from a farmer's market.

Sunset-salad #715

huge heirloom tomato -- one of those richly hued-reds ones
fresh basil
black pepper
Mozzarella tiny balls
olive oil
if you have a few cooked beets (& why wouldn't you?) especially of the yellow-kind, cube & add

Cut what needs cutting/cubing.  Mix.   Where's the fork?  Where your pen?   The ocean lies in front of you.  Read the calligraphy of waves -- write that down for me, please.  I'm eating.  

1 comment:

  1. h in the sunset, still eating

    An innocent bystander had them convinced
    he reconed, annuniciating oblongs
    as he buttered the bread--
    his account was in good standing

    but tall tales were told in secret places
    antiquated acrimony was visible on the music stand
    his concerns were of astounding depth
    and the shape of the dishes confused his eyes
