Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring brings forth the hidden

So like this "salad."  What's in it?  Leftovers, of course.  You wish details?  Mahi mahi, beets both red and golden, tomatoes, Opal apples, and the hidden --  string beans.  And to finish the details -- lemon olive oil, balsamic vinegar, black pepper, fresh basil.  And yes, like with the eating of words, bring your own unique appetite.  Is there anything more Spring-like than an appetite for words?

1 comment:


    Dream 3/13/88

    Woman in foreign country is demonstrating tricks with hug snakes. After the crowd disperses, she begins to load the snake skin turned inside out and the cage blanket into a large washer. Then she gets in too, with all the water sloshing. She lies on top of the layers. She gets up out of the washer in about five minutes, her glasses all askew on her face. She says it's too cold. After, she leaves the washer alone, sloshing away. We can see the huge sleepy eyes of the snake at the bottom of the front window. We wonder if he's cold.
