Saturday, September 17, 2016


Golden beets
Ah so soft
& silky
when cooked
add blue cheese
toasted walnuts
drizzle olive oil
twist of pepper
ah, again
the kitchen
dishes out
a poem

1 comment:

  1. Interim

    As I recall, she served us figs and tomatoes
    on a plate also were salmon and zucchini
    we passed around the wine and the walnuts
    we talked about the dog next door
    we promised to write and stay in touch
    we made new impressions on the sandy shore
    her car was newly washed and kept stalling
    I waited at the train station, but not long
    Was it there I wondered about my sister,
    how she was doing, why she hadn't called?
    The day was hot but there was plenty of shade
    We didn't miss our favorite shows
    We got home safe
    We could have stayed longer
    but it is always prudent to go early
    The next day it rained
    and the wind took off so many leaves
